1) No physical contact -- of any kind -- can be made with our headstones, monuments, or mausoleums! Firstly, because they are the property of their respective owners -- and, secondly, because they can be easily damaged (especially the older ones). This includes, but is not limited to:
- hand or body contact (i.e.:
posing or photos, paintings,
videos, etc.)
- rubbings, tracings, or foil
- attaching items for creative effect
(i.e.: ribbons) or for staging (i.e.:
tape or glue)
- application of paint, chalk, or any
other substance
- physical or chemical cleaning or
removal of moss, fungus, lichens
- contact with or removal of
plantings or other items placed
on or near a grave
2) Use of the cemetery must be confined to daylight hours unless allowed for by written permission from, and by pre-arrangement with, the Cemetery Board of Trustees
3) Any and all art works must respect the dignity and privacy of those buried in the cemetery. As such, the CRC Board of Trustees reserves the right to withhold artworks from public display that it deems inappropriate for this art show. (This is not censorship, but common-sense due diligence and proper oversight given our solemn duty.) If you have something potentially 'controversial' in mind, please contact us to discuss it... Inquiries may be directed to our Board President, at contact@cortland-rural-cemetery.com
Thanks for your compliance and understanding!

Cemetery Art Show at-a-glance:
> Create a work of art inspired by the CRC -- now through August 15, 2014 (please
review our rules & register using the button at left, so we know you are
> Submit your work to the CRC between August 15 and August 29th
> Gallery opening will be Friday, September 5th -- 5-8pm at the Cortland County
Cultural Council's new home (the Superintendent's House of the cemetery,
located at 112 Tompkins Street, Cortland, NY)
> Work will be exhibited and open to the public for 30 days after the opening

Have you ever noticed how beautiful cemeteries are? Even better, have you ever created a work of art inspired by a cemetery? If so (or even if you’ve ‘never thought about it’), now is your chance to make it so! Thanks to a grant from CNY Arts and with help from the Cortland County Cultural Council — the Cortland Rural Cemetery will host its first-ever “Cemetery Art Show” featuring art inspired by our beautiful cemetery and displayed at the new home of the CCCC... at the cemetery’s historic ‘superintendent’s house’ on 112 Tompkins Street!
The concept: The Cortland Rural Cemetery (CRC) is a 44-acre, 160-year old, non-profit, and non-denominational rural cemetery located in the heart of Cortland, NY. Featuring all of the classic visual attributes of a ‘garden cemetery’ originating from the mid-19th century – e.g. asymmetric landscaping, rolling hills, stately trees, winding roads, and countless examples of art, typographic art, architecture, sculpture, and design represented on the many mausoleums, monuments, and literally thousands of markers scattered across the grounds -- the CRC is a largely unnoticed and yet extraordinarily rich resource for both artists and those who appreciate art and art history. To bring attention to this under-appreciated resource – and, in doing so, establish the CRC as important artistic resource for art practitioners and ‘art lovers’ alike -- we’re hosting our first-ever “Cemetery Art Show!” (The gallery opening will be September 5, 2014 from 5-8 pm — with works displayed for 30 days thereafter.)
How to participate: Now through August 15, 2014 — artists of all stripes are encouraged to visit and be inspired by the CRC. Whether the resulting work you generate is a painting, photograph, sculpture, musical composition, multi-media work, or some other art form — it will be eligible for inclusion in the Cemetery Art Show this Fall. Some rules-of-the-road do apply (please do see our website for those), but otherwise we’re excited to see what sort of work(s) Cortland’s art community comes up with! Works must be submitted to the CRC between August 15 and August 29th, to allow us time to place them in the gallery.
More about the gallery opening: In concert with the CCCC’s already popular “First Friday” program, the gallery opening for our Cemetery Art Show will be held on September 5th, from 5-8pm. All contributors and their guests will be invited to the gallery opening event (light refreshments served). And for 30 days thereafter, the art show will be open, and promoted, to the general public...including invites to area school groups, seniors, among others!
Anything else? Why, yes! In concert with the exhibition portion of the Cemetery Art Show, we’ll also be developing a self-guided “Cemetery Art Tour” that will put a spotlight on the many forms of “art” already in evidence in our cemetery (e.g. sculpture, carvings, architecture, etc.) The tour will take the form of a “map” that will be distributed at the Show — and, thereafter hosted on the CRC website for easy downloading! Content from the tour will also be included on permanent interpretive signs being developed for and erected on our ’cemetrails.’ Please do check these resources out when they are available...and, better yet, please help us promote them to your family, friends, and peers in the art community!

This project is made possible with funds from the Decentralization
Program, a regrant program of the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor
Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature and administered by CNY Arts. Additionally, we
are excited to partner with the Cultural Council of Cortland County on this project!